On 2010-06-10, glenn opdycke-hansen wrote:

> I did not execute the .jar.  Instead I noticed the bin folder and ran the
> .bat file.

I see.

> When the .jar was run the following output was seen:

> Detected OS_NAME: windows xp
> Detected OS_ARCH: x86
> Detected OS_VERSION: 5.1
> Detected Java Version: 1.6.0_18
> Detected Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
> Detected Java VM Version: 16.0-b13
> Detected Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

> Only in 1.8.2: =::=::\
> Only in 1.8.2: =C:=C:\Documents and Settings\gopdyck\My
> Documents\Downloads\ant-env

Yes, these are two of up to three variables known to come back
additionally on Windows.



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