On 2010-06-10, bool wrote:

>>> This sounds like a bug.

> If this is a bug, will this be fixed in future releases ?

Yes.  It would be good if you opened a Bugzilla issue for it.

I have already added a few JUnit tests to Ant's svn trunk and they
indicate things would be working as expected.  Currently I'm waiting for
the right combination of "time available" and "access to operating
system that allows me to trace syscalls" for trying to reproduce your

> Any idea when ?

As usual in OS land the answer is "when it's done".  We've had twenty
months between 1.7.1 and 1.8.0 and three between 1.8.0 and 1.8.1 - I'd
hope we'll be closer to the last interval before we release 1.8.2 (which
would project it to late summer, early autumn).

So far we haven't made any major changes in trunk and the bugs we've
fixed are more "annoying" than major (yours makes scanning slower than
it has to be but doesn't cause ant to do wrong things).


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