
>> How in heaven can I install ANT?

How in heaven is it possible to make a Phd which such a little

>> Hopefully, someone is able and willing to sit for a good while and write
a detailed procedure to get this done.

You are the perfect candidate to do so. Please go ahead.


On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Bruce Atherton <>wrote:

> There are instructions on the Install page for how you set those
> environmental variables[1][2][3], at least within a command shell.
> If you want to set them up to be available across all command shells, then
> that will depend on your operating system. You don't tell us which operating
> system you are using, so it is difficult to know how to direct you.You can
> look at Windows XP instructions[4] which largely apply to Vista and Windows
> 7 as well[5], or if you are on a Macintosh you can look at instructions for
> OS X using tcsh[6] or bash[7].
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> On 28/05/2010 7:41 PM, miranda raul wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First of all, I have to say that I am a not versed in computers. I need to
>> install and run a program called NESTEDMICA that requires ANT. The problem
>> is... How in heaven can I install ANT?  Just to get you an idea where my
>> difficulties started, I couldn't set the environmental variables JAVA_HOME
>> and ANT_HOME as required in the "Installing ANT" section of the manual.
>> Hopefully, someone is able and willing to sit for a good while and write a
>> detailed procedure to get this done.
>> Thank you very much for your help.
>> Raul
>> __________________________________
>> Raul Miranda, PhD
>> Postdoctoral Research
>> Ardmore House
>> School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science.
>> University College Dublin
>> Belfield, Dublin 4
>> Ireland
>> Tel: +35317161625
>> Email:
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Wolfgang Häfelinger
häfelinger IT - Applied Software Architecture
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