The scp ant task classes are in the same classloader as
the rest of the body of ant (except for the launcher classes).

See the code for junit and script for the hideous workarounds
that are needed to get them to allow <classpath> to load
their required third party classes.

A similar effort will need to be done for <scp> to enable it
to work the same way.

The ant-contrib ant task classes are not in the same classloader
as the body of ant, so there is not the same problem.


On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:18 PM, David Weintraub <> wrote:
> Now that I have an Ant installation that has the ant-jsch.jar file in
> it, I'm able to run the <scp> task. However, in order to do that, I
> have to run it as "ant -lib antlib" instead of just "ant".
> With the AntContrib tasks, I can define a directory "antlib" in my
> project, and then add it in with the <typedef> task. If I simply use
> the AntContrib stuff, I don't have to use the "ant -lib antlib"
> parameter. I'd like to do the same thing with the "scp" task.
> BTW, I know I could also put the needed jars in $ANT_HOME/lib or
> $HOME/.ant, but I want a way to do this by simply checking out the
> project and have the project have the needed jarfiles.
> --
> David Weintraub
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