On 2010-04-22, Blaise Gervais <gervai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> exclusions.createExcludesFile().setName(entry.path.getPath()+File.separatorChar+exclusion);

In a fileset an excludesfile is a text file that contains an exclusion
pattern per line.  I don't think you really want this but

> And the output :

>> Buildfile: C:\Dev\Perso\App\app-builder\build.xml

> test:

> [eclipseclasspath] Parent : C:\Dev\Perso\App\app-impl\app-manager

> [eclipseclasspath] Exclude :
>> src.main\be/me/app/manager/commons/components/OgTreeTable.java

This is probably a good name for an exclude pattern which is resolved
relative to the fileset's dir.

> But the build fail and tell me that the file is not found. In fact she is
> not found bacause ANt try to find it from a wrong folder.

excludesfiles as opposed to exclude patterns are resolved relative to
the project's basedir, not the dir of the fileset.


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