Hi, I am using Ant for last four years and really addicted to its simplicity and cleanliness, though there are lot of tools around but can not really feel to migrate to any tool. It is also damn easy to write own custom tasks (using scripting langauges like javascript etc. and Java itself) and get the work done; though writing own tasks has its own pain for maintenance in the long run; but flalessly Ant has been a standard in build tools world.
Eclipse is being used a standard IDE for various Development platoforms and I do not really find a good competitor of Eclipse as far as its features are concerned. Since people love Ant and also Eclipse being an standard IDE, I feel at times that there should be a Ant task which could read the .classpath and .project files and provide and kind of property which has resolved classpath entries on which project depends on. This task would really reduce the pain to define the dependencies of the project which needs to be defined manaually in case dependencies gets changed / or added to the project's classpath. I hope this would further increase the Ant usage and people would really find it useful in their projects' dependency resolution. Thoughts ? -RR