The standard way to gather the artifacts for a given Ivy conf is to invoke
the following Ant tasks in sequence:
1. ivy:resolve
2. ivy:cachefileset

If you want to accomplish the same programmatically, I would suggest looking
into how you can leverage these existing tasks or the top-level APIs they

By the way, it sounds like you only want the artifacts within the module
itself, and not the artifacts belonging to its dependencies. In that case,
ivy:resolve should have transitive="false".

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Alex Foreman <> wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> I have a runscript generator which is driven by ivy.
> Currently however I am only including the main jar my build creates.
> If someone has a artifact list like this:
> <artifact name="prod" ext="jar" type="jar" conf="runtime" />
> <artifact name="prodstandalone" ext="jar" type="jar" conf="standalone" />
> <artifact name="qa" ext="jar" type="jar" conf="qa-runtime" />
> <artifact name="prod-spring" ext="xml" type="xml" />
> <artifact name="qa-spring" ext="xml" type="xml" />
> I wish to be able to use Ivy to say for my ivy.xml tell me all
> artifacts that are in 'x' config.
> This way I can setup my classpath on the fly and be completely driven
> from Ivy.xml
> Is there any easy way to do this.  I'm not to keen on writing a
> separate xml parser to gather this information which I would presume I
> should have access to already.
> Many thanks in advance!
> --
> Alex Foreman

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