> -----Original Message-----
> I suppose I could instead make the "stub" instead do real work and
> assume that the sub-project has defined a "app-inf-jars" property (for
> instance) and create the APP-INF/lib directory and copy in the paths
> specified in that property, and do nothing if that property isn't set.
> I'm not sure which is more reasonable.

Continuing with this, it seems odd that if I want a target to only
execute if a particularly named fileset is set, I have to have both a
"property" and a "fileset" with related names.  The target will have an
"if" attribute that references the property I want to check for, and the
body of the target will reference the fileset.  In the place where I
might set the fileset, I have to set the fileset and the property
separately (the property can reference the fileset through "refid").
This is all because "if" can only reference specific properties, and not
fileset ids, or somehow a "property-if-fileset-exists" function.

Am I making myself clear?

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