So sshexec is adding a carriage return to the outputproperty when run from winders. Is there a way to strip this off of the end of a property in ant? Here's a small repro: <!--Begin Code Snip--> echo "error" | tr '\n' '' | tr '\r' '' exit 0 <!--End Code Snip--> testSshExec.xml <!--Begin Code Snip--> <project default="main"> <task name="main"> <sshexec host="${}" username="${ssh.user}" keyfile="${ssh.keyfile}" passphrase="${ssh.passphrase}" command="/home/myUser/" trust="true" timeout="1000" outputproperty="returnValue" /> </task> <echo message="XXX${returnValue}XXX"/> </project> <!--End Code Snip--> Run from winders machine, return is: main: [sshexec] Connecting to myUnixBox:22 [sshexec] error [echo] XXXerror [echo] XXX BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3 seconds Thanks, Eric