On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Rajesh Kumar (IN4774) <
rajesh_kum...@mindtree.com> wrote:

> I am trying to use variable defined in build.properties file in Solaris
> Machine but below script is not working
> <property file="${basedir}/.build.properties"/>

Do  you mean "*.*build.properties" (note the preceding period) or simply "
build.properties"? You have a preceding period on the name of the file.

I usually do something like this:

<property name="build.properties.file" value="${basedir}/build.properties"/>
<property file="${build.properties.file}"/>

This allows people to have multiple build properties files. They can use "
-Dbuild.property.file=myfile.properties" to load an alternative build
properties file.

I also recommend that you put the default values inside your build.xml file
anyway. That way, if the developers don't have a build properties file, the
build will still work.

And while you're at it, also define default <javac> task parameters for
things like debug, debuglevel, deprecation, nowarn, listfiles, verbose etc.
That allows developers to debug their java compile without having to modify
the build.xml file itself. Our developers have found that to be very

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Rajesh Kumar (IN4774) <
rajesh_kum...@mindtree.com> wrote:

> I am trying to use variable defined in build.properties file in Solaris
> Machine but below script is not working
> <property file="${basedir}/.build.properties"/>
> Please suggest.
> Regards,
> Rajesh
> ________________________________
> http://www.mindtree.com/email/disclaimer.html

David Weintraub

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