You can probably also script it using beanshell vs writing an external Java application...

On Tue, 21 Jul 2009, David Weintraub wrote:

Ant can run <java> tasks (which is what you want with JBoss). JBoss
has a Java API that allows you to start, stop, and deploy in it. You
can also use the JBoss API to query the server state.

You'll have to write a small Java program to do this for you, but then
you can run it with the <java> task.

If that's more than you want, you can also use the shell scripts to
start and stop JBoss using the <exec> commands. However, you'll have
to wait for enough time for the server to start and stop.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Nafter<> wrote:

I would like to do some remote deployment.
My applications is running within JBoss. This JBoss installation is running
under a java service wrapper.

The things I would like to do is the following:
1] stop java service wrapper (which will automatically stop the JBoss)
2] redeploy new content (WAR file)
3] start java service wrapper again (which will automaticcally start the
JBoss again).

How can ANT help me with this? Does somebody know that?
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David Weintraub

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