
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:14 AM, Avlesh Singh<avl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to know if it is possible to enable compression on SCP task?
>> If it is, how?
> AFAIK, the compression option is currently not supported in the scp task.
> Using the old school exec task in this manner - <exec executable="scp"
> ...><arg line="-C ..."/></exec>, might be a quick workaround.
> If this is currently not possible, where and how can I log an enhancement
>> request?
> Find details on filing bugs here - http://ant.apache.org/bugs.html
> +1 for this enhancement request.

SCP task has been using jsch[1] internally, and
it has supported the packet compression by using jzlib[2].

The jzlib has been licensed under the revised BSD license. If it is allowed
to use jzlib in SCP task, it will be easy to add the support for the
requested functionality.

[1] http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/
[2] http://www.jcraft.com/jzlib/

Atsuhiko Yamanaka
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