Well it seems to me you are really trying to copy files as denoted by a
property - is this correct?
So, for example lets say you do this:
ant -Denvv=production -Dssltype=1SSL eardirect
ant -Denvv=sit -Dssltype=1SSL eardirect
Are you wanting then to copy like so:
<copy file = "foo/${envv}" todir = "xyz"/>
Or am I missing something?
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, edumudi.viswan...@oracle.com wrote:
Conditional copy of files from a directory XYZ/prod/1ssl to xyz/ directory.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scot P. Floess [mailto:sflo...@nc.rr.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 8:06 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: how to do conditional processing in ant
Do you need to conditionally copy files or copy files based on a dir
defined in a property?
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, edumudi.viswan...@oracle.com wrote:
Hi Friends,
I know how to pass more than one command line arguments /parameters to a task
in ant.
Ex: Command prompt>ant -Denvv=production -Dssltype=1SSL eardirect
( where eardirect is a task name I defined in ant)
Assume I have four different environments like PROD, SIT, UAT & DEV and I can
access each environment in 2 different ways like 1 way SSL & 2 way SSL. So user may
give envv from PROD/SIT/UAT/DEV and ssltype from 1SSL/2SSL.
Now my requirement is " based on user parameters like envv=production &
ssltype=1SSL, I need to copy some files from xyz/1ssl/ folder to xyz/ folder" here I
should use some conditional logic. Is there any coretask available in ANT to do this ?
Please help regarding the same.
Thanks in advance.
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Edumudi Venkata Viswanath | Associate Consultant | | +91 20 3984 7491 (O) |
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Oracle Financial Services Software Limited was formally i-flex solutions
Scot P. Floess
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