
This doesnt look like a Java problem.

This seems to be a classpath problem.
The error says, that the whole antcontrib.jar could not be found.
Antlib.xml is inside the antcontrib.jar and defines the tasks of antcontrib.

The antcontrib.jar is probably not on the classpath of the Ant you are using in 
this case.

Is antcontrib in the lib-dir of the Ant you are using?



Jürgen Knuplesch
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: David Raich [mailto:d.ra...@att.net] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009 02:51
An: Ant Users List
Betreff: ant-contrib with Java 1.4?

Thanks for your suggestion to use ant-contrib and <for> for the logging I 
needed over a file list.

It is working on most of my platforms that have JDKs of 1.4.2 and above.  But 
it fails on one that has only 1.4.  I've found no documentation listing this as 
a specific limitation, but that seems to be the only environmental difference 
between an HPUX where it works and one where it doesn't.

The error is:

   [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource 
net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml. It could not be found.

Is that a known limitation?  Or can anyone suggest another way to get around 
this error?  The failure to accept <taskdef> basically kills my ability to use 
any of the tasks from ant-contrib.  (I'm trying to find a newer Java to 
swinstall on this machine, but keep running into dependency problems.)

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