It all depends what you are trying to do...

Doubtless you have seen Eclipse -> Help -> Platform Plug-in Developer Guide
> Programmer's Guide -> Platform Ant support which deals with writing ant
tasks to run under the Eclipse environment. 

As you have doubtless spoted Eclipse has its own "ANT_HOME" which I would
NOT change, and doesn't seem to buy you the ability to step through source.

I developed a plugin which contributes Ant tasks to eclipse's ant
editor/runtime environment. It was useful to be able to browse the ant
source and api docs whilst developing using context sensitive stuff. Apart
from adding them to the plugin.xml for my plugin source, my tasks were
vanilla Ant tasks, I also chose to put my own ant.jar into the project for
the bit which created the separate jar of my ant tasks. I created a jar of
all the sources from apache and attached it to this jar ( and also a jar of
the docs ). It seems to work ok for stepping through as long as the version
of ant I am using is the same as the one in ANT_HOME.

Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Knuplesch, Juergen [] 
Sent: 19 May 2009 08:15
Subject: Applying Ant Source to Eclipse project


I want to install the Ant Source into a Eclipse project.

I downloaded the source, but it does not easily fit into the Eclipse
Is there an online help how to do this?
Does anyone have some hints, so that the adaption will be made easier?



Jürgen Knuplesch                    

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