-----Original Message-----
From: Paul King [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 6:16 AM
Subject: RE: Classpath Wildcards

+1 for a bug report/enhancement requrest. I need this functionality too for
a customer stuck on windows. In any case, this is core Java functionality,
ant should support it simply for the simplifications it brings in some use

Cheers, Paul.

Murray, Mike wrote:
> Yes, it happens in the creation of the task's path, in Path.addExisting().
> If I change the first line of code in this block:
>             if (f.exists()){
>                 setLocation(f);
>             } else {
>                 log("dropping " + f + " from path as it doesn't exist",
>                     Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
>             }
> to this:
>             if (f.exists() || (f.getParentFile().exists() &&
> "*".equals(f.getName()))) {
> I get the behavior I desire.  Maybe this change would create problems for
> other usage scenarios, but it would seem unlikely.  If so, maybe an
> attribute to enable support for java classpath wildcards could be added.
> I'll submit a bug report if I don't receive any feedback contrary to my
> analysis.
> Thanks, Mike
> PS - I'm looking for a solution for developers who do not want to use
> mapped drives.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Weintraub [] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 11:26 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: Classpath Wildcards
> There's one solution: Don't use Windows!
> (The above statement was brought to you by Linux Geeks with no Social
> Life.)
> You can't use <fileset> because it actually verifies your includes.
> That's no good as you pointed out.
> I've tried <pathelement path="*/*"/> and that appears as a literal
> when I print it out. However, it could be that <javac> itself is
> expanding it before passing it off to the command line.
> You may have to use <exec> to get around this issue.
> <soapbox MS-mode="spewing">
> This is one of the things that really pisses me off about Windows. The
> NTFS filesystem can handle somewhere around 32K for the command and
> Windows itself can handle command paths that long too. However, the
> Windows shell doesn't (at least not as a default!). The actual limit
> for both is quite a bit less than 300 characters.
> This is especially hard on Java developers who have large nested
> directory structures. Heck, the same issue is also found in Window's
> own C# environment too. Even worse, if you put your directories under
> your "HOME" directory, you are by default placing them under
> "C:\Documents and Settings\<userName>", and the user name is usually
> the full name of the user. Many developers like placing their working
> directories on their desktop which means that the default path for me
> is "C:\Documents and Settings\David Weintraub\Desktop" which is almost
> 50 characters long. That's 20% of the maximum file name size even
> before I create my first file.
> </soapbox>
> When you use "${basedir}" like you're suppose to, you include that 50+
> character string in all of your paths!
> The solution is to use the root of the drive as your development
> directory, or if you can't do that because that's locked down, see if
> you can use the DOS subst command to redefine your base directory. For
> example:
> $ subst X: "C:\Documents and Settings\David Weintraub\Desktop\AntProject"
> will now allow me to reference the AntProject directory as just "X:"
> Thus, "${basedir}" goes from over 60 character to just two. That may
> give you enough space to set the path the standard way.
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Murray, Mike <> wrote:
>> I'm setting up a classpath for a forked <java>.  I understand how Ant
>> wildcards work.  I was previously using ant wildcards to define the
>> classpath, but the cmd line exceeds the windows limit when ${srclib} is
>> deep.
>>      <fileset dir="${srclib}">
>>         <include name="*/*.jar"/>
>> I want the classpath to include the literal string "wnc/*", which is a
>> valid java classpath element.  Since I used "pathelement path",
>> shouldn't it take this as a literal?  I think it does, except that it
>> appears to validating it, and throwing it out as non-existent.  I would
>> expect this validation with "pathelement location", but not "pathelement
>> path".
>> Thanks, Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 12:02 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: AW: Classpath Wildcards
>>>I'm trying to use Java's Classpath wildcards to limit the cmd length on
>>>forked java calls.
>>>   <pathelement path="${srclib}/wnc/*"/>
>> That's not a Java wildcard, it's an Ant wildcard.
>> Because <pathelement> is an Ant construct and Java wildcard can only be
>> used from the command line.
>>>But, Ant is throwing it out.
>>>  dropping L:\Windchill\srclib\wnc\* from path as it doesn't exist
>>>       [java] Executing 'D:\programs\jdk1.6.0_10\jre\bin\java.exe' with
>> arguments:
>>>Is there any way to do this?
>> Ant doesnt pass all found classfiles to the program - it sets up a
>> classloader. Therefore
>> it can handle large numbers of files itself.
>> So use an Ant wildcard:
>>  <pathelement path="${srclib}/wnc/**"/>
>> (add one star ;)
>>   '*'   every file in the directory
>>   '**'  every file somewhere under the directory
>> Jan
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> --
> David Weintraub
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