On jeudi 05 mars 2009 00:07:21 Alan Chaney wrote:
> Hi Nicolas
> In answer to your questions see below
> Nicolas Lalevée wrote:
> > Le 4 mars 09 à 18:39, Alan Chaney a écrit :
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> I'm using ivy2.0.0/ivyide2.0.0.beta/eclipse 3.4
> >>
> >> I have a number of projects which all contribute to a number of wars
> >> (not all sub-projects are in every war.)
> >>
> >> I've been converting these to use ivyIde. I've been editing each
> >> ivy.xml file for each project to specify the dependencies for that
> >> project. It all works fine on a per project basis - that is, I can
> >> right-click on the ivy.xml entry in the project menu and 'resolve'.
> >>
> >> However, if I clean and rebuild all the projects at once I get some
> >> weird errors. It looks like ivyide is not recreating the classpath on
> >> a 'per project' basis, but just for all the projects.
> >
> > By "clean and rebuild" do you mean using the command "clean" in the
> > "Project" menu ? The classpath should not be be affected by this kind
> > of task.
> Yes I'm using the Project->Clean and then selecting 5 projects to clean
> at once. It cleans and then rebulds  the workspace. When that has
> completed there are errors in some projects which can then be removed by
> right-clicking on the ivy.xml[*] entry and selecting "Resolve" on each
> affected project.

Actually which errors are you seeing ?
If the ivy cache is being wipeout somehow, then usually Eclipse complains 
about a build classpath problem, about some missing referenced jars, and don't 
even try to build anything.


> > Are your using some "resolve in workspace" feature in IvyDE ?
> Not as far as I know - some of the projects are referenced by other
> projects (using the Projects tab in the "Configure Build Path" dialog)
> > Do you use some WTP enable project ? I don't know well how thoses
> > features behave with classpath management and rebuilding.
> Yes I am using WTP - BUT the projects in which the problem occurs are
> only 'Java' projects and only have the 'Java Nature' so there should be
> no WTP stuff in there. I've checked, and none of these projects have a
> .settings folder at the top level which is where WTP stores its
> configuration stuff.
> As a general note it seems to me like the ivy cache is being cleared by
> the multiple project rebuild but for each project. I don't understand
> why. Maybe I'm doing something stupid in the ivy settings?
> Hope that clarifies the problem.
> Alan

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