conf="default->master" worked great. what is that trying to say exactly? pull
the default conf from the log4j dependency?  whats "->master" do?

many thx

Brown, Carlton-2 wrote:
> In your dependency on log4j, do transitive="false" or
> conf="default->master".   
> I never ever use transitive dependency on 3rd-party dependencies for
> exactly this reason.  The dependency graph is arbitrarily long, it pulls
> in stuff that I know I'll never need, or the repository can't host the
> binaries for licensing reasons.
> That being said, I have found these repositories are good to have in
> your public chain, they have many Sun jars that m2 central doesn't:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: eqe99 [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 6:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: newbie: why does log4j pull down all sorts of files?
> <snip>
> </snip>

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