I have been trying to figure this out for the last few hours to no avail.

The code works fine on my one linux account and after editing a few
variables and using it on the build account, I am receiving an error

[install]$ ant build.ASE
Buildfile: build.xml

     [echo] Cleaning the ASE folders...
     [echo] The ASE folders have been cleaned.

     [echo] Unzipping the ASE bundles...
     [echo] DEBUG (location of .tgz) /users/build/main/release/AIX.tgz

/users/build/build.xml:305: the archive doesn't

Total time: 0 seconds

The code is as follows: 

        <target name="unzip.ASE" description="Unzips Bundles.">
                <echo message="Unzipping the ASE bundles..." />
                <echo message="DEBUG (location of .tgz):
${bundles.ASE}${compressedASE.AIX}" />
                  <gunzip src="${bundles.ASE}${compressedASE.AIX}" />

This is where it's failing, with that error message. The weird thing is the
archive does physically exist in that location:

[release]$ pwd
[release]$ ls
AIX.tgz          Linux.tgz

Any ideas?

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