Well, this is one of those times when I have to stand in awe at just how
phenomenally stupid I am. Ant wasn't collapsing or flattening anything. The
directories were collapsed/flattened to begin with in source.

As often happens with matters of this sort, I'm happy to share a little bit
of the blame with Eclipse.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Mitch Gitman <mgit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's a little experiment that reduces the problem to its simplest case.
> Suppose for argument's sake I'm not jarring any class files. Here's a
> passage that works:
>       <fileset id="sub.resources.fileset.for.jar" dir="${main.java.dir}" *
> includes="**/*.java"* />
>       <jar destfile="${target.dir}/${jarArtifactName}.jar">
>         <fileset refid="sub.resources.fileset.for.jar" />
>       </jar>
> But suppose I change just one small thing. From this:
> includes="**/*.java"
> To *this*:
> includes="**/*.xml"
> Suddenly now, the jar task collapses the directory structure.
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Mitch Gitman <mgit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm using a fileset as a nested element of the jar Ant task. When the
>> fileset consists of .class files or .java files, the archiving takes place
>> correctly:
>> * com
>>     * mycompany
>>         * myproject
>>             * SomeClass.class
>> But when the fileset consists of some other kind of file, like XML files
>> or properties files, the archiving collapses the directory structure:
>> * com.mycompany.myproject
>>     * SomeProperties.properties
>> Why is the jar task doing this collapsing and how do I avoid it?

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