It took a LONG time but I have my grammar working.  Thanks for the
pointer.  Once I clean it up a little, I'll post it to this list or
onto the wiki ... it's a much simpler and easier to follow example
than the JavaFX one.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Jim Idle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 09:49 -0800, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> I'm working on an improved property expression language for Tapestry
> 5.1. My first step was to recreate what T5.0 accepted in the past
> (using an ad-hoc parser based on regular expressions).
> My problem is a conflict between FLOAT and RANGEOP in my parser grammar:
> Please refer to teh FAQ example:
> This covers more than you need so you can cull it down to just range vs dot.
> Jim
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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