Hi, I am seeing a weird problem of using replaceregexp in ANT. Basically, for the non-English characters, they are updated even though they are not matched by the regular expression.
The following is my original input: -------------<replace.xml before> ------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app> <url>file://localhost/$server_root$/deployed/archive/wcm.contentviewer.1001/ilwwcm-localrendering-portlet.war</url> <title>â€Ø¨Ø¯ÙˆÙ† شكل عامâ€</title> </web-app> ------------------------------------------------ My original intension is ONLY to update the content related to <url> tag. The following is the code: <target name ="testRegex"> <replaceregexp file="replace.xml" match="file://localhost/\$server_root\$/deployed/archive/[a-zA-Z.0-9]+/" replace="file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps/" byline="yes"/> </target> After I executed this target, I got the following result: -----------------<replace.xml after>------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app> <url>file://localhost/$server_root$/installableApps/ilwwcm-localrendering-portlet.war</url> <title>â€?بدون شكل عامâ€?</title> </web-app> ---------------------------------------------- The url was replaced correctly; however, some characters in the title tag were replaced with '?'. I used ANT 1.7 and tried to use jakarta-oro-2.0.8 to perform regular expression replacement but still got the same problem. C:\>ant -Dant.regexp.regexpimpl=org.apache.tools .ant.util.regexp.JakartaOroRegexp -f test.xml testRegex Buildfile: test.xml testRegex: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds Have anyone seen this problem and have any idea how to fix it? Thanks Jerry