Hello list,

i have encountered a strange behaviour of ant scripts as property and 
param elements are using incompatible overwrite rules. Please let me 
explain in a small diagram.

- set some property
- use antcall with inheritall=true
- the called target tries to set the property again
==> first property is used

- use antcall with some param (e.g. <param name="foo" value="bar"/>)
- the called target uses antcall with param providing a new value (e.g. 
<param name="foo" value="bar2"/>)
==> called target uses second value (in the example foo would be "bar2")

This means that if in a script an <antcall> using <param> is used there is 
no chance to overwrite that setting/property when calling that script. Am 
i right? Or is there a way to set such a parameter?
Is this the desired behaviour of ant?

In my opinion the same overwrite-behaviour for <param> elements as for 
<property> elements would be better. The user of an ant script would then 
always be able to set all the parameters or propertys.

Best regards
Dieter König

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