Burkhardt Stefan (CI/TMP) wrote:

I try to upload an artefact to archiva. I always get an exception
(Unauthorized) when I have to use Basic Authentication. (The
http-client.jar is in the classpath)
Before I try to publish the artefact I set the Authentication parameters
within Ivy: Build file:
        <ivy:settings file="./ivysettings.xml">
                <credentials host="archivaHost:archivaPort"

You could try leaving the port out of host, e.g. host="archivaHost". Looking at my local setup, that's what I've done to access our TeamCity build server's repository (despite the port being something strange like 8070).

realm="Repository Archiva Managed Internal Repository" username="upload"
passwd="upload2" />
        <ivy:publish organisation="${organisation}" module="${module}"
revision="${version}" resolver="chained"
artifactspattern="dist/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" overwrite="true"
validate="false" publishivy="false"/>

        <chain name="chained" returnFirst="true">
            <ibiblio name="local"

According to http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/resolver/ibiblio.html ibiblio doesn't support publishing. Apparently URL does though: http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/resolver/url.html

Hope that helps.


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