It found that execing ant is the best way to get a 1.4 javac build.
I use the following presetdef:

  <presetdef name="fork_ant_java14">
       <java fork="yes" classname=""
            <path path="${ant.home}/lib/ant-launcher.jar"/>
          <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${env.JAVA14_HOME}"/>

Ant figures out where the java14 exe is set based on an enforced env
variable: JAVA14_HOME.
     <available file="${env.JAVA14_HOME}/bin/java.exe"/>
        <property name="java14_exe" location="${env.JAVA14_HOME}/bin/java.exe"/>
        <property name="javac14_exe"
        <property name="java14_exe" location="${env.JAVA14_HOME}/bin/java"/>
        <property name="javac14_exe" location="${env.JAVA14_HOME}/bin/javac"/>

 And the preset is used as follows:
      <arg value="-find"/>
      <arg value="build.xml"/>
      <arg value="comp_grapplet_fork"/>


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> scuzzie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a project written in NetBeans 6.1 that I need to be able to compile
>> on demand using any JDK version from 1.4.2, on a machine that does not
>> have
>> NetBeans installed (but does have Ant of course). The app compiles under
>> 1.4.2 and up using the Ant xml files generated by NetBeans. At the moment,
>> the options are 1.4.2/1.5/1.6 as they are the JDKs that are installed on
>> the
>> machine. The application uses Swing so has a couple of dependant jars.
>> Modifying the xml build files is not an option. Specifying a properties
>> file
>> from the Ant command-line is fine, and I have had to do this anyway (as
>> well
>> as copying the swing and NetBeans copylibs jars to the machine). The file
>> is
>> autogenerated and is created automatically before calling Ant.
>> Are there properties I can add to my properties file to specify which
>> version of the SDK to compile with? Any other suggestions?
> You can point Ant at a different Java version by setting JAVA_HOME. You also
> have to make sure that the Java it executes is the right one, which can
> usually be done by running $JAVA_HOME/bin/java .
> You could have a wrapper build.xml file that does this by using <exec> and
> setting up the environment variables for the right JDK
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