I really like the ant-contrib tasks for this:

<project name="a">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"/>

<osfamily property="os.family"/>
<echo message="os.family:${os.family}"></echo>
<property file="${os.family}.properties"></property>

  <echo> os:${os.name} </echo>
    <echo> os.arch:${os.arch} </echo>
    <echo> os.version:${os.version} </echo>

<property name="linux_compile_dir" value="/nfs/Branch/"/>

<pathconvert property="windows_compile_dir" dirsep="\">
      <map from="/nfs" to='s:'/>
      <path location="${linux_compile_dir}"/>


<if> <equals arg1="${os.family}" arg2="unix" />
        <echo> "checking for existence of

        <available file="${linux_compile_dir}" type="dir"
                <if> <equals arg1="${linux.dir.present}" arg2="true" />
                <echo>"linux dir exists: ${linux_compile_dir}:


-----Original Message-----
From: Mohit Anchlia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2:33 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: If else

I am struggling with a very simple question. How do I test if a
variable is defined or not?

I tried:

          <matches string="${jboss.wily.jvmargs}" pattern="^[ \t]+" />


          <matches string="${jboss.wily.jvmargs}" pattern="" />


          <length string="${jboss.wily.jvmargs}" trim="true"
when="greater" length="0" />

Nothing seem to work. jboss.wily.jvmargs may or may not be there in
property file

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