Thanks Andy for your response. Unfortunately, modifying the arguments as per
your suggestion didn't help.


As I described earlier, even though <arg line="@{type} @{configDir}"/> is
mentioned the same way (without multiple <arg line statements), and if
@{configDir} contains the directory path without spaces, the build is
successful. Only when @{configDir} contains spaces the build fails.





Vivek Payala | Team Lead - Configuration Management (Professional & Managed
Services Group) | Persistent Systems

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Cell: +91 93701 31472 | Tel: +91 (20) 3023

Innovation in software product design, development and delivery-



-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:24 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: Build fails when 'java' task's "arg line" contains a directory
path with spaces


2008/9/29 Vivek Payala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Our build fails while executing the following task. It fails only when the

> application is installed in a directory having space.


> <java classname="" failonerror="true" fork="yes" maxmemory="512m"

> errorproperty="runerror">

>            <jvmarg value="-server"/>

>            <arg line="@{type} @{configDir}"/>

>            <classpath>

>             <path refid="client.classpath.lib"/>

>            </classpath>

> </java>


> If the @{configDir} directory does not have spaces then the build

> We have tried specifying @{configDir} in "", '', but it didn't work.


Instead of

<arg line="@{type} @{configDir}"/>

how about using

<arg value="@{type}"/>

<arg value="@{configDir}"/>

instead?  As the docs say, value "can contain space characters" while

line is "space-delimited" and "It is highly recommended to avoid the

line version when possible."  I don't see anything that says you can

only have a single nested arg element.




--  Open source java Sudoku application



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