hi you are who you are,

I guess this problem occurs because YOU (your script) ignores the errorcode of the cd-command.

Try something like that:

<shellscript shell="bash" dir="/home/${usr}/doc" failonerror="true">
cd /home/${usr}/doc && zip -ll doc.jar *.properties

I am Who i am schrieb:
Hi All

I'm trying to zip one folder, with some specific files from it as part of
build like
  <exec dir="/home/${usr}/doc" executable="zip" failonerror="true">
      <arg line="-ll doc.jar *.properties">

but this throws error zip warning: name not matched: *.properties

so i tried to use <shellscript> task from ant-contrib

<shellscript shell="bash" dir="/home/${usr}/doc">

cd /home/${usr}/doc

zip -ll doc.jar *.properties


This works, but i have problem with this, when there is some valid error
lets say ${usr} directory doesn't exist, this task is no failing. Means
build is not failing at that position, it just keeps continue to next target
on the build.xml

Any one has any idea on how to make sure to have failonerror=true for this??

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christoph Dittberner
Dipl. Inf.

digitec GmbH
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