Properties are immutable in Ant. In your example, even if properties were mutable, the timestamp would not be recomputed - you'd have to re-execute the tstamp task. The only way you can have this recomputation is by using a second property as someone else has responded...

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008, sukanya wrote:


Here is the problem I am now facing:

<project default='init'>

   <target name='init'>
                   <format property='TSTAMP' pattern='MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS
           <echo file='Time-Log.txtl' append='yes'> ${TSTAMP}</echo>
           <buildnumber file='${builddeployv3.dir}/build.number'/>
           <echo>ant.version:  '${ant.version}'</echo>
           <echo>ant.home:  '${ant.home}'</echo>
           <echo>java.version:  '${java.version}'</echo>
<echo file='Time-Log.sql' append='yes'> ${TSTAMP}</echo>

Here the time values are added to a file.
Where the file has the same time value twice. But i need to have different
time values with a single <tstamp> element and property. How property values
can be changed dynamically?

Appreciate your suggestion to solve this problem.


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