I just googled for wlst (didn't know what it was)...


You probably need to define a taskdef as stated in the aforementioned docs:

<taskdef name="wlst" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.management.WLSTTask" />

On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, I'm using Ant 1.7 on Windows XP.  I'm getting this error when executing my 

build.xml:208: Problem: failed to create task or type wlst
Cause: The name is undefined
Action: check the spelling
Action: Check that any custom task types have been declared

The line being complained about is

            <wlst debug="true" failOnError="true"
              arguments="${wlsuser} ${wlspwd} ${wlshosturl} ${scriptbasedir}"

Any help is most appreciated.  I am including the build.xml file in case that 
makes things more clear.

Thanks, - Dave

Scot P. Floess
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