
> The manual says that I need any version of the jsch jar, version 0.1.28 or
> above. The JCraft page shows the current version is 0.1.39. Both a zip and a
> jar is available for download but, unfortunately, something is messed up
> with the link for the jar. When I try to download the jar, it takes me to
> sourceforge.net but gives me the zip file, not the jar. The zip file does
> NOT include the jar so it is useless to me. I've also tried downloading the
> zip file, thinking the links might be reversed, but it ALSO gives me the zip
> file.
> Does anyone know another place to get the jsch jar?
> I've already send JCraft an email identifying the problem but who knows how
> responsive they are to email? It could be days, weeks, or months before they
> read their email and fix the bad link.

In my experience, the JCraft devs are excellent and very responsive,
so I doubt your wait will be measured in months/years.

That said I just tested the download and the jar did download
correctly for me (I used the http://www.nchc.org.tw/ taiwan mirror for
sourceforge as I live in Vietnam and that one seems to be pretty fast
for me).  Perhaps you should try again and choose a different mirror?


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