This would work.

However, it it very dangerous, it it too easy to
delete stuff that you do not wont to.

I would place *all* the generated artifacts of a build in a
special directory - "build" or "target", and for
the clean target, simply delete that directory.

<delete dir="build"/>


On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Tim Visher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey David,
> Thanks for the help.  This is the final copy, and it appears to be working.
>    <target name="clean" depends="init" >
>        <delete includeemptydirs="true">
>            <fileset dir="${basedir}">
>                <exclude name="build.xml"/>
>                <exclude name="test.xml"/>
>                <exclude name="src/**/*"/>
>                <exclude name="tests/**/*"/>
>            </fileset>
>        </delete>
>    </target>
> I had to add the /* to the end of the directories to get the actual
> files under those directory trees to be excluded, but other than that
> it's pretty much what you had.  In the docs, they say you're supposed
> to be able to have each of the exclude/include statements incorporate
> a group of patterns, separated by ',' or ' ', but I haven't been able
> to get this to work.  Anyone know anything about those?
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 11:21 AM, David Weintraub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One more thing I just noticed (bad eyesight due to staring at computer
>> screens for way too long), You have just "src/*" and "test/*". You
>> probably want "src/**" and "test/**". A single asterisk means just the
>> current directory. A double asterisk means all subdirectories too.
>> --
>> David Weintraub
>> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Tim Visher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Partially solved my own problem at this point.  No longer getting
>>> NullPointer but I still can't get the right includes.  My syntax must
>>> be off or something.  Good news is that the exclude seems to be
>>> working.
>>> Current target contents:
>>> <target name="clean" depends="init" >
>>>        <delete>
>>>            <fileset dir="." includes="**/*">
>>>                <exclude name="build.xml" />
>>>                <exclude name="test.xml" />
>>>                <exclude name="src/*" />
>>>                <exclude name="test/*" />
>>>            </fileset>
>>>        </delete>
>>>    </target>
>>> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:46 AM, Tim Visher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hey Everyone,
>>>> I'm trying to develop a clean target that essentially deletes
>>>> everything but a given set of files, rather than explicitly specifying
>>>> everything to delete.  This seems like a slightly more elegant
>>>> solution than the alternative, but I'm having very little success at
>>>> the moment.  I've included the contents of the clean target here
>>>> (since it's pretty small at the moment).  Any help would be greatly
>>>> appreciated.
>>>> Now:
>>>> <target name="clean" depends="init" >
>>>>        <delete failonerror="false">
>>>>            <fileset>
>>>>                <not>
>>>>                    <filename name="build.xml" />
>>>>                    <filename name="test.xml" />
>>>>                    <filename name="src/*" />
>>>>                    <filename name="tests/*" />
>>>>                </not>
>>>>            </fileset>
>>>>        </delete>
>>>> </target>
>>>> Former:
>>>> <target name="clean" depends="init" >
>>>>        <delete dir="${build}" />
>>>>        <delete dir="${dist}" />
>>>>        <delete dir="${doc}" />
>>>>        <delete dir="${tests:out}" />
>>>>        <delete dir="${tests:reports}" />
>>>> </target>
>>>> FYI: I'm actually failing on an error, a Null Pointer Exception to be
>>>> exact.  So it's not only not deleting the desired fileset; it's not
>>>> even executing.
>>>> --
>>>> In Christ,
>>>> Timmy V.
>>>> - Spend less time on e-mail
>>> --
>>> In Christ,
>>> Timmy V.
>>> - Spend less time on e-mail
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> --
> In Christ,
> Timmy V.
> - Spend less time on e-mail
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