Can anyone help me with the Ant optional ftp task? I'm finally using Ant again for the first time in a couple of years and running into some problems.

I'm using Ant 1.7.0 and my build is basically working fine, aside from some issues with the ftp task. My mkdir and send actions are working fine so I know that this is not an installation issue, such as missing jars.

Here are my problems:

  1. I keep getting a MalformedPatternException when I try to do an ftp
     with action="list". It seems to be objecting to the listing
     parameter. I have tried all the variations I can imagine but
     nothing works.
  2. My action="send" operations work fine as long as I omit the
     depends="yes" parameter. When I include depends="yes", I get
     MalformedPatternException on the line containing the remotedir

Here is code illustrating the first problem:
<ftp action="list" server="${servername}" userid="${userid}" password="${password}"
       description="List contents of directory"
       <fileset dir="${workspace}">
           <include name="*.shtml"/>

Here is code illustrating the second problem; if I omit the depends parameter, the send works perfectly:
<ftp action="send" server="${servername}" userid="${userid}" password="${password}" depends="yes"
       description="Upload files for main directory"
       <fileset dir="${workspace}">
           <patternset refid="ps.main"/>

I tried finding some additional examples in the MARC archive but I'm darned if I can figure out the syntax for the search feature. I keep getting hits that don't contain my search arguments and don't seem to bear any relation to what I want. Can anyone tell me how to search on all posts that contain: action="list"?

Also, with respect to the listing parameter of action="list", can someone please clarify whether the file identified in the listing parameter is on the server or the remote machine? The documentation is not clear on this point. I've looked on both machines and can't find the file on either one; it would save me a bit of time if I knew I didn't have to look on one of the two machines.


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