Hi all!
I have a problem echoing a set of properties to a specified file. I have a 
number of properties which have a common prefix, but the exact number is 
undefined, so these properties are selectable by a propertyset by I do not know 
the exakt number.
The reason for this somewhat uncommon setup is that I have created a common 
"base" file (common.xml) that is imported into other (project specific) build 
files in my workspace. This saves me a lot of time and typing since my projects 
have similiar setup. This base file has a target for creating a jad-file (a 
sort of manifest file used in MIDlet development) which holds information about 
a jar-file. The importing build files however holds some information about 
midlets that is not known when creating the common base build file, and 
therefore I have to be able to find these properties and print them in a 
generic way, regardless of how many they are.
The target just looks like this:
<!--_________Creates the jad file for the project_________
<target name="create.jad" description="Creates a jad file for the midlet 
        <echo file="${ant.project.name}.jad" message="MIDlet-Version: 
${MIDletVersion}${line.separator}" append="true"/>
        <echo file="${ant.project.name}.jad" message="MIDlet-Vendor: 
${MIDletVendor}${line.separator}" append="true"/>
        <echo file="${ant.project.name}.jad" message="MIDlet-Jar-URL: 
${MIDletJarUrl}${line.separator}" append="true"/>
        <!-- and on it goes for some more properties including my unknown 
number of specific properties -->

The properties echoed (such as MIDletVersion etc) out are set by the build file 
importing the base file.

At the end of this target I would like to echo out all properties with a 
certain prefix. The propertyset I want to output can be created like:

<propertyset id="midlet_properties">
        <propertyref prefix="MIDlet_"/>

But how do I echo this propertyset to the specified file? I tried using 
<echoproperties> (I know this might not be the intention of echoproperties). 
That gives me some additional lines at the top of the file that I do not want. 
I also tried using pathconvert but that really needs a path, not a propertyset. 

Do I have to use foreach from ant-contrib? Are there any other (reasonable) way 
to do this? Any suggestions are more than welcome right now.



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