First, does jsch need this "known hosts" file.. is that why it's not working?
if so, what should this file look like for ssh2?

Second, Does my script look correct at least for keys to work?
"build.xml" 17 lines, 713 characters
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <project name="scp" basedir="." default="go">
    <target name="go">
    <scp file       =
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer6/profiles/serverindex.xml"
         keyfile = "/home/user/.ssh2/id_dsa_2048_a"
         passphrase = ""
         todir      = "."
         trust      = "true"
         port       = "22"
         verbose    = "true"
         sftp       = "true" />

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