>  That's on Windows and it works fine and very fast, however, after moving all
>  my code to Linux box AND setting ANT_OPTS (export set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx1024m),
>  the process runs extremely slow, as if ANT_OPTS have been ignored
>  completely. Running "top" command, I noticed the following:

Run it again on windows using ant -debug to show the exact
tasks/config that is loaded,  run again on linux with ant -debug and
see if there is a difference.

My gut feeling is a Java version difference - *if* you're using a
stock linux, there's a good chance you will be running Java 1.4 (GCJ
or similar).  Sun Java 5/6 have a better XSL processing engine (Xalan
instead of crimson IIRC).  I think it was copied in wholesale from the
apache repos into javax.xml.org.apache.xalan in JDK1.5

See what the debug output says and maybe we can diagnose your problem


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