Sam Hamilton wrote:

Up until now, I have been manually copying over my files that have been
checked out of subversion by ANT on Windows, to an AIX server. I've decided
to try to implement ANT so it does this copy for me. I have add the below
lines of code:

  <scp todir="userName:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/user">
        <fileset dir="filetoFTP"/>

But when i run my ANT script, i have the error message:
265: No response from server

I can ping this IP address and previously I had been using WinSCP to connect
using the same IP address without any problems.
I am using ANT 1.6 and jsch-0.1.37.jar.

Am I missing something obvious here like a missing flag in my SCP task?

telnet IPAddress 22
to see if the server is reachable from the client.

Steve Loughran        
Author: Ant in Action 

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