For future reference:

the fact that I was creating a new reference was the cause of my problems.

Reference r = new Reference(getProject(), filtersetrefid);

This code works and allows me to use the expanded filterset in my project after 
my custom task runs.

f = (FilterSet) getProject().getReference(filtersetrefid)


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alec Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 11:10 PM
>> To: Ant Users List
>> Subject: adding filters to a filterset
>> Hello,
>> I'm hoping someone can tell me if this is possible.  I'm beginning to
>> think that since there is no set method in Project that this simply is
>> not possible.
>> I define a filterset in a target and then call a custom task to which
>> I pass the refid of the filterset.
>>       <filterset id="configobj.filterset" >
>>           <filter token="" value="" />
>>       </filterset>
>>       <mytask filteretrefid="configobj.filterset" />
>>          </then>
>> In the task I can then see the filters in the filterset
>>             Reference r = new Reference(getProject(), filtersetrefid);
>>             f = (FilterSet) r.getReferencedObject();
>>             String allfilters = f.getFilterHash().toString();
>>             Logger.log( Project.MSG_VERBOSE, this, "filterhash
>> toString():" + allfilters );
>> I then use f.addFilter to add filter elements to the filterset and I
>> can print these in the task.
>> [GetObjectProperties] filterhash
>> toString():{oma.folder.products.path=/Products,
>> oma.person.demo.login.userid=hpusrv001\sasdemo,}
>> However, upon returning from the task to the calling target, the
>> filterset seems to only have the original filter element that was
>> added in the filterset task.
>> Does anyone know if I can accomplish adding filter elements to a
>> filterset in this manner?
>> Or can I create a new filterset in my task, give it a refid and then
>> use that refid back in my target?
>> Thanks,
>> Alec
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