
Namespace isn't really an issue...I just like using it ;) I think it makes it clearer where things originate...


I did figure out a way to do what I had intended. I am actually able to download Ant contrib dynamically, install it and then use it... If you are interested in my solution, I'd be happy to share that with you...

Andrew n marshall wrote:

I am also trying to develop something like what Scot described and running into similar problems. However, I am not using the namespace notation. My version looks something like this:

 <target name="update" depends="define_svnant_tasks">
     <checkout url="${cpptasks.svn}" destPath="${cpptasks.dir}" />

 <target name="define_svnant_tasks">
<!-- Using ant-contrib's antfetch task to call targets and import resulting classpath -->
   <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
<antfetch antfile="svnant.xml" target="define_svnant_classpath" return="svnant.classpath"/>
   <taskdef resource="">
       <pathelement path="${svnant.classpath}" />
   <echo>Defined &lt;svn&gt; task</echo>

I currently get the following error:
     [echo] Defined <svn> task


/Users/Anm/Projects/Development/ant_cpp_skeleton/lib/cpptasks.xml:19: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/tigris/subversion/javahl/ClientException

Matt Benson wrote:
In Ant's distro (I think, else in SVN HEAD) you can check out the cooperation between fetch.xml and get-m2.xml . This does something like what you're talking about.
The main difference I see is the use of import. Instead, I avoid the polluting the namespace by just <antfetch>ing the classpath before defining the task. Still, the task definition is missing in the depending target.


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Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
Louisburg, NC  27549

252-478-8087 (Home)
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Chief Architect JPlate
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Architect Keros

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