rigel wrote:
Thank You for the advice, I'll do it :working: :-)
The "problem" is that I'd like to print out additional test cases info into
the final Junit report, something like description, input data&format and
more but I haven't found a solution to do it directly from the JUnit
So now I accompained all test case methods with an optional wired
description built upon a custom annotation class tag.
Something to use later during JUnit report generation for printing out some
aggregated data used for testing (input data and format, objectives and
more). A more sophiticated way to do this, which I'd like to do, would be to
getting this info directly from test method associated javadoc taglet.
This sample report shows what I am working on:
Pratically I would like that JUnit report generator was unaware of specific
might only process this info as an additional tag to nest into for later
XSLT processing on customized report generator stylesheet. For this I
believe that I need a way to pass additional params from build.xml ...
James Abley wrote:
On 08/02/2008, rigel wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I am currently working on some JUnit task sources, precisely on
"XMLJUnitResultFormatter" and "JUnitVersionHelper" of the library named
I have patched XMLJUnitResultFormatter to support additional test case
information passed by a custom annotation made up of three params, BUT
currently all annotation's params and annotation class name are brutally
wired into the code (for successive introspection). So I created an
annotation and a custom "XMLJUnitResultFormatter" that works only with
following params and annotation classname:
Substantially now I would like to pass "TestDescriptor" and
"title,desc,input" directly by the Ant build file to allow the use of any
available custom annotation, unfortunately I know only a way to do it,
opening the build.xml DOM and getting by myself the values because I am
able to figure out if it exists a static helper class that can do this
easily. Anyone can help me or point me on the right direction?
I'd do it on the side by having people set ant properties before your
task runs. Or extend the various ant tasks with more work. Trying to
parse the dom yourself is going to get you in trouble.
I've been thinking a bit about enhancing Ant's test reports, but nothing
is implemented
Steve Loughran http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action http://antbook.org/
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