u might have luck having the foreach call a macrodef (just make the
target into a macrodef)

hth, Jim Fuller

On Feb 7, 2008 7:55 PM, Bill Milbratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A follow-up:
> I tried the using the ant-contrib for each, and manually specifying the
> versions in a list, but came across a limitation:
> pe\build-developer.xml:1217: foreach doesn't support the nested "antcall"
> element.
> (I've implemented the internals for the for-each using antcall);
> can anyone comment on limitation of the ant-contrib looping mechanism?
>   <foreach list="v10,v11,v12" param="myVersion">
>     <antcall target="gen-changes">
>        <param name="version" value="@{myVersion}"/>
>     </antcall>
>   <foreach>

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