I don't think it's possible. Maybe you should generate another ant file from
main build and call the subbuild from there. Maybe generating
subbuild.xmllike this:

<filter token="service" value="${service}"/>
  <copy file="subbuild-src.xml "tofile="subbuild.xml" filtering="true" />

After copying/filttering you can then call it via
<ant antfile="subproject/subbuild.xml" target="compile"/>

subbuild-src.xml should contain something like this:

<!DOCTYPE project [
  <!ENTITY service   SYSTEM "modules/@SERVICE@">

Not tested this actually, but I thin :) it should work..


2008/1/28, Nagender Kumar Mallik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hey everyone,
> can we use an ANT property in the Doctype settings?
> I basically want to do:
> <!DOCTYPE project [
>   <!ENTITY service   SYSTEM "modules/${service}">
> ]>
> regards,
> Nagender

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