I have a 2000+ line Ant file that has been working fine for a long time.
I also have a moving target in that I frequently make minor tweaks as I find
something I missed.
The problem that I have just started seeing is that junit is failing every
test saying it cannot find my classes when I build everything, i.e. "ant
clean all" where 'all' is defined as:
<target name="all" depends="init, dist, test, website" ...
junit is invoked in the 'test' target above so I, of course, thought that
a change in my 'website' target must have affected this. I moved 'test' to
last place in the 'depends' line above, but it still yielded the same
result: failing every test. Why this is curious is that if I immediately run
"ant test" then all the tests run fine.
Any thoughts on why this is happening? Or why it just started happening?
Ant: v1.7.0
JUnit: v4.1
OS: Windows XP SP2
My Junit invocation:
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no">
<formatter type="plain"/>
<batchtest todir="${reports.tests}">
<fileset dir="${src.tests}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
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