
I'm using the ant ftp task to ftp files from my local Windows 2003 Build
Server to a remote Unix environment, and the issue I'm facing is the local
folders(s) that contain the files that are to be ftp'ed don't always
exist.... The folder(s) only get created if there are files in them that
have been updated.... If there are no files that have been updated, my build
process doesn't create the folder.... I would like to add an if-then
statement to the target below, so it will ftp the files if the folder
exists, or move on to the next target if the folder doesn't exist.... Can
someone provide an example I could use, please...??? For the most part I
have the target structured the way that I want it, but I don't want to
execute the target if in one instance the folder doesn't exist, and it
causes my deployment to fail.... And that's another question I have, will it
actually cause my deployment to fail if I execute if as is below, or will
attempt to execute then move on if it can't...??? Also, I'm using
the <modified> selector on the fileset, so ant will keep track of changes
made to the local copies of the files, so only the modified files will be
selected for the ftp transfer. So, with that said, will I need the
<modified> selector if I use an if-then statement...??? If someone can point
me in the right direction I'd surely appreciate it...

<target name="lib-ext">
    <ftp server="${remoteHostName}"
        userid="${remoteInstallUserId}" password="${remoteInstallPassword}"
     <fileset dir="${existingApp.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
        <include name="*.properties"/>
        <include name="*.txt"/>
        <include name="*.xml"/>
        <include name="*.xsd"/>
          <param name="sunt.ext.cachefile"


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