Hi. I am attempting to build ant from source. In my first go, I was not
aware the build would fail without junit. For second attempt I copied
the junit-4.4.jar and placed it into the /lib folder of the uncompressed
source. I believe this is where it is to go based on the instructions in
the ant manual. I am getting the following traceback when building. Can
someone provide any pointers to help resolve this issue. Many thanks.
Warning: skipping jar archive
because no files were included.
Warning: skipping jar archive
because no files were included.
Warning: skipping jar archive
because no files were included.
/private/tmp/tmpy_uzgF-buildout-ant/apache-ant-1.7.0/build.xml:1105: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
/private/tmp/tmpy_uzgF-buildout-ant/apache-ant-1.7.0/build.xml:911: We
cannot build the test jar unless JUnit is present,
as JUnit is needed to compile the test classes.
Total time: 47 seconds
... Failed Building Ant Distribution !
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