I would like to add that so far I use for publishing the following
method of the PublishEngine:
public Collection publish(ModuleDescriptor md, Collection
DependencyResolver resolver, PublishOptions options)
throws IOException { ...
- Hans
On Jan 23, 2008, at 10:15 PM, Hans Dockter wrote:
I have the following requirement. My build tool, which uses ivy
under the hood, does not work with ivy files. It uses Ivy via its
API and thus creates the ModuleDescriptors, DependencyDescriptors,
etc ... My problem is to publish a module via its
ModuleDescriptors. The artifacts are published without any
problems. But I want the ivy file also to be published to the
repository. But locally there exists no ivy file. Only the
ModuleDescriptor exists in memory.
Is there a way that Ivy does the ivy file generation on the fly for
publishing? Or do I have to locally generate a temporary ivy file,
to get it published?
- Hans