I have copied my ANT task and relevant files to my home machine and it runs
fine. On my work machine where the problem is occurring I swapped in saxon8.jar
and deleted saxon9.jar and still receive the same error message. I hope that
little bit of extra info gives a bit more insight as to what the issue might be.


Marijan (Mario) Madunic

Quoting Mario Madunic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> ant - 1.7.0
> java - 1.6.0_02
> The following ant task has been used successfully daily for around 6 months
> and
> in the last half hour I've been receiving an unusual error message (at least
> to me).
> <property name="l_Drive" value="c:\" />
> <property name="l_Fileset" value="test2" />
> <target name="main">
>   <delete>
>     <fileset dir="${l_Drive}RBI\NWP\finished2">
>       <filename name="*.*" />
>     </fileset>
>   </delete>
>   <!-- parse the documents with ContentCleanupSecondPass.xsl -->
>   <xslt basedir="${l_Drive}RBI\NWP\${l_Fileset}"
> destdir="${l_Drive}RBI\NWP\finished2"  includes="*.*"
> style="${l_Drive}RBI\NWP\XSLT\ContentCleanupSecondPass.xsl" />
> </target>
> here is a copy of the error message. (I run the ant task from a bat file)
> C:\RBI\NWP>set ANT_OPTS="-Xmx1024m"   && ant -f
> c:\RBI\NWP\antTasks\ContentCleanupSecondPass.xml
> Buildfile: c:\RBI\NWP\antTasks\ContentCleanupSecondPass.xml
> main:
>      [xslt] Transforming into c:\RBI\NWP\finished2
>      [xslt] Processing c:\RBI\NWP\test2\Classified-TWICE-2140029754.xml to
> c:\RBI\NWP\finished2\Classified-TWICE-2140029754.html
>      [xslt] Loading stylesheet c:\RBI\NWP\XSLT\ContentCleanupSecondPass.xsl
>      [xslt] Failed to process null
> c:\RBI\NWP\antTasks\ContentCleanupSecondPass.xml:27:
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Could not load the
> translet class 'ContentCleanupSecondPass'.
> I've searched the web for this and only found references to xalan and
> tomcat.
> I'm using saxon9.jar.
> I've tried rebooting and that didn't work. I'll try replace saxon9 with
> saxon8
> and see what happens.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Marijan (Mario) Madunic
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