Can you run Ant in -verbose or -debug mode and post the execution command?
Maybe you could try that generated command directly on command line.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Barry Pape [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. Januar 2008 01:52
> An: Ant Users List
> Betreff: exec with -t argument
> Howdy Ant Friends,
> I am having an issue with running a deploy script on a remote server.
> This command works beautifully:
> ssh -t /usr/local/bin/sudo -u myuser
> /path/to/
> But when I invoke this command using exec in ant the '-t' 
> argument does
> not get used.  Otherwise the remote script is run and everything looks
> good (the app is deployed and jboss is started).  In the 
> script, we run
> the command 'nohup ./ &' and without the '-t' nohup is not used.
> This results in the output that would normally go to nohup.out to be
> dumped to the invoking shell and the build to hang because 
> now the shell
> is being used for the standard output jboss produces.  I have 
> tried exec
> with all <arg value="">, with <arg line=""> only, and various
> combinations of the two.  My google and mail archive searches thus far
> have been unsuccessful in finding a similar issue.  Any 
> suggestions are
> much appreciated.
> My ant target:
>    <target name="">
>         <exec executable="ssh">
>         <!--    <arg value="-t" />
>                 <arg value="${}" />
>                 <arg value="/usr/local/bin/sudo" />
>                 <arg value="-u" />
>                 <arg value="myuser" />
>                 <arg value="/path/to /" />-->
>                 <arg line="-t ${} /usr/local/bin/sudo -u
> myuser /path/to /" />
>         </exec>
>    </target>
> Both the invoking server and remote server are running solaris.
> Thanks,
> Barry
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