> From: broken connection [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 11:11 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: Question about "depends" attribute in the target element
> Yeah,I apologize for that....but how can i resolve this guys???
> I want targetA and targetB to be indepently called under this 
> scenario:
> targetA can be called independently...
> targetB always depends on targetA and should make sure 
> targetA is ran before
> it runs....
> Any advice???

You'll need to structure your build something like this:

<target name="A" unless="A.has.already.run">
   <echo>I am target A</echo>
   <property name="A.has.already.run" value="true"/>

<target name="B" depends="A">
   <echo>I am target B</echo>

Rick Genter
Principal Software Engineer
Silverlink Communications
Office (781) 425-5763
Mobile (781) 771-9677

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