Dear everyone.
I have been used ant 1.7.0 for running my program on linux (redhat. 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp) However, I have a some problem to process file.encoding. My problem is.. A original file was written based on MS949 encoding. My program is working to read this file and write another file which was also MS949. This compile was completed and I execute “java -Dfile.encoding=MS949 Test”. It was good work. But, I wrote build.xml ; ------------------------------------------------ <target name="test" description="classes"> <echo>ANT ENCODING : ${file.encoding}</echo> <java classname="Test"> <sysproperty key="file.encoding" value="MS949"/> <classpath location="." /> </java> </target> ------------------------------------------------ # ant -Dfile.encoding=MS949 test ANT ENCODING : MS949 This result was error……… output file’s data was broken such as “?????” . I couldn’t understand and recognize why this problem happen… I have just thought a same result from java and ant. Do you have any solution..??? Regards… ---------------------------------------------------------------- NHN Corporation 김 동 광 ( Kim DongKwang ) 경기도 성남시 분당구 서현동266-1번지 분당퍼스트타워 13층 Office : 031-600-6079 , Mobile : 011-9353-3552 E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------------------------------------------